Research is another area where cooperation with industry is crucial. Kobolde has the practical
knowledge from working close to production that can be fed into the research programs while this
participation also keeps Kobolde on the scientific cutting edge. Kobolde has participated in a number
of national and international research projects including:
- The European RFCS project OPCONSTAINLESS together with ACRONI, BFI, SMS,
Outokumpu and KTH. The project aimed at better control of the AOD and VOD processes
and the Kobolde part involved advanced slag calculations using Thermocalc® software
integrated with the AOD-simulation system TimeAOD2 developed by Kobolde in cooperation
with KTH. - The Swedish research project Steel Eco-cycle managed by the Swedish Ironmasters
Association, Jernkontoret. In this project Kobolde supported KTH with Material Flow
Analyses using the MFA program STAN and development of scrap quality assessment