Kobolde presentations and articles
From a pink unicorn to a sloth and beyond
Carbon Capture in the Steel Industry: Opportunities and Challenges
Envisaging the decarbonized ironmaking landscape of 2050
Note: we will digitalize more of our lectures and presentations time permitting
[Sears 2023] CCS is a logical option to meet near zero in the steel
industry (CCW)
[Sear 2023] This may hurt a bit interview with Rutger (GSW sept 2023)
[Moggridge 2023] Playing the game, STI March
[Moggridge 2022] In conversation with Rutger Gyllenram, STI NovDec 2022
Popular articles
[Gyllenram et al 2023] FerroSilva – combining iron production with a carbon sink (STI 2023)
[Gyllenram et al 2023] FerroSilva – Creating a new industrial eco-system (GSW 2023)
[Gyllenram 2023] A Steelmaking Carol STI (STI 2023)
[Gyllenram 2023] The grand quest for green steel (GSW 2023)
[Gyllenram 2023] Local production of strategic goods (STI 2023)
[Gyllenram 2022] Avoiding a bears service to the climate (STI 2022)
[Gyllenram 2021] Between a pony and a pink unicorn (STI 2021).
[Gyllenram 2022] Betting on a winning horse (STI 2022)
Scientific articles and conference contributions
[Wei et al 2020] Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of nickel products (Energies 2020)
[Wei et al 2018] Assessment of scrap-based production for low phosphorus stainless steel (CSSS 2018)
[Gyllenram et al 2016] Use of metallics in EAF Steelmaking (American Metal Markets 2016)
[Gyllenram et al 2015] Raw material assessment for electric arc furnace steelmaking (ICS2015China)
[Gyllenram et al 2012] Lubricating the recycling machine (Revue de Metallurgie)